Paris, France

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Like all major cities, Paris can be a bit intimidating in its size. Luckily, it's easy to enjoy yourself by visiting all the standard tourist areas and then finding time to walk off into the neighborhoods. For me, Paris is a series of wonderful memories.

Paris, France Notre Dame on a sotrmy day from a Seine River Cruise.

There was that time when....

We went for a Sunday walk in Paris and unexpectedly ran into the Tour de France.

Paris, France

We lived in an apartment in the Marais and spent days visiting Paris museums, at our leisure.

Pompidou Museum, Paris, France Clock at the Orsay Museum, Paris, France

We spent too much time in August on the hot Paris subways, spotting people who were most likely to be cast in the next post-apocalypic, flesh-eating zombie movie. Seriously, the Paris Metro in the hot summer months is not for the weak of heart.

Paris, France