Pop-Overs and Stop-Overs

Maximizing Adventure

One way to maximize our exploration without completely detroying our budget is to make "stop-overs" and "pop-overs." Flying directly to our destination is often not the cheapest route, so we always consider flying to a "nearby" city with a "stop-over" and changing transporation to our final destination. This has been a great way to "test drive" a new city at little or no additional cost!

Once we arrive at our "final destination", if we have the time, we will frequently "pop-over" to nearby places that we'd like to explore. "Nearby" is relative here. If we've flown 5,000 miles, then we feel that adding a 3-hour car trip is definitely nearby!



Belgium has many interesting cities that are worth a long visit, or if you don't have the time, at least a stop-over or pop-over.



We stopped in to Copenhagen for a few days on our way to Sweden but we will definitely go back for more.



Storybook landscapes, historic cities.

Great Britain

Great Britain

A walk through London's West End at Christmas was simply magical.



On our way to Croatia, it made sense to make a brief stop in Budapest, Hungary, known for its spas and thermal baths.



Lovely San Sebastian, Spain is a great spot.