
Gallery Shots

Our travel to Ecuador was like a three-for-one vacation, with three distinct and delightful adventures. First, our stay at the Napo Wildlife Center was an intriguing Amazon rainforest adventure.

Napo River, Ecuador

The mountain town of Otavalo, with its market and distinctive culture, was another world away.

Otavalo, Ecuador

A completely unplanned side-trip to the Galapagos Islands was unique and wonderous.


Visit our Galapagos page to learn how a volcano eruption sent us packing to the Galapagos Islands.

basketball, Quito, Ecuador

Basketball in Quito

In Quito, we spotted some basketball courts and David quickly discovered that even a 12-year-old gets out of breath playing basketball at 10,000 feet!


River rafting

A river rafting day-trip from Quito was great fun but the true adventure was the death-defying bus trip to the river - over a mountain summit on a two-lane road with blind corners and no passing rules. But, really, that's a different story.

Cock fight, Otavalo, Ecuador

Cock Fight in Otavalo, Ecuador

No, I don't advocate cock fighting, or any other animal fighting, for that matter. In Otavalo, however, I saw a sign for a cock fighting event and was curious enough to want to see. (It has since been outlawed in Ecuador). The "pregame" evaluation of the "fighters" by the betting public was most interesting.