
Gallery Shots

Because we have family in western Canada, we've spent a lot of time in the beautiful provinces of Alberta and British Columbia

The beautiful Rogers Pass where we've camped in the Canadian Rockies.

Rogers Pass, Canada

Vancouver is a stunningly beautiful city.

Rogers Pass, Canada Vancouver, Canada

The road to Whistler Ski Resort can be breathtaking.

Rogers Pass, Canada

Croatia basketball camp

Ziplining Fun at Grouse Mountain

On a recent trip to Grouse Mountain, near Vancouver, we decided to try mountain ziplining! Fun! David, who isn't crazy about heights, had a great time!

sailing night-watch

Snowstorm Arrives

After we were already at a high elevation on the ziplines, it started snowing and icing. Additional tours were cancelled but we still had to zip back down! The snow fall iced the cables at our altitude, making it impossible to glide the entire distance down the cable.

Croatia war

A Little Assistance, Please

To help us out, the guides gave us a good push, adviced on streamlining our bodies and people at the receiving end pulled down the cable to create more slope. Ultimately, on our last cable, a guide had to manually come out to "rescue" people - like John - who didn't make it the last 50 feet.