Tibet, China

Our visit to Tibet in 2000 was easily the most "impactful" and difficult trip we've ever made. Travel to Tibet required issuance of a visa while in China and accompaniment by a guide and driver.

In 2000, before China completed train tracks to Tibet, few visitors made it there. In Lhasa, we enjoyed the comfort of a hotel that advertised 24-hour boiled water, and leaving Lhasa we found ourselves in very remote places, with little infrastruction and extreme elevations.

Tibet, China

The cultural history of Tibet is fascinating, but beginning with the flight of the Dalai Lama in 1959, China "reclaimed" Tibet as its own and continues to work toward cultural assimilation.

Tibet, China

We were fortunate to be in Tibet during the traditional Shoton Festival - also called the Yogurt Festival.

Tibet, China